Monday, December 9, 2013

If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now...

The other day, it hit me. I have been out of high school for ten years. Good night. TEN YEARS! I remember the atmosphere of high school and how it seemed like what everyone thought mattered. Then I went to college and grew up. I enjoyed my high school years, but I am glad to be through it and an adult. My biggest surprise after high school and then after college was how much time I had available in the day. Yes, I was one of those who was constantly doing something, usually school or work related. After college graduation, there seemed to be so much more time during the day. No deadlines, it was very weird.

But during this big revelation of the years that had past, I did reflect on what I wish I knew then that I know now. That said, I decided to think on what I would tell my younger self, and then I would actually do it in my current life. What good is it to reflect on what you wished you had known if you aren't going to actually do it?

So, I present to you my epiphanies on life and what I wish I had done sooner.

  • Be goal weight and strong enough to fight - I have always valued the importance of physical conditioning as a way to not only be healthy but to also be able to survive if put into a dangerous situation. The world is crazy, after all. As I have gotten older (I feel so old at 29) and moved around the country, I have lost this passion I once had. This past month, I have realized how lax I had become and how I had gotten away from this drive. Was I ever skinny? No, sadly. Have I always wanted to be? Oh, yeah. Well, it's time to stop wishing and start attaining. I loved my weight in high school; back then, I thought I was sooooo fat. Turns out, I was a good weight. Isn't it interesting how teenagers view their weight so differently than they will ten years down the road?This past month, I've actually started running...and like it. So weird. Now that I know I can do it, I don't want to stop. Fear in yourself can be so crippling.

  •  Take archery lessons - I have always wanted to learn archery, but I never knew how to get started. Plus, the equipment costs a lot when you first start. Luckily, I moved to a place where there is an archery range available and a place to buy equipment. I've started out on my own, but I would really love to find someone to teach me. Step one of getting started is complete. Step two of becoming proficient hasn't begun, but hopefully it will soon.

  • Study martial arts - I wish I had gotten into karate sooner. I started in my junior year of college and loved it. I stopped after two years due to needing to focus on my first year of teaching. Sadly, I never got back in it. I am hoping to start up again one day. I am not a big fan of grappling, so I tend to stay away from jujitsu and judo, but I might try judo since I have a place to practice for free. I've just haven't tried it yet since I don't feel in shape enough to join. I might in a month or two.

  •  Monthly facials/spa treatment - it is amazing how a monthly facial can make you feel and look. I had a facial each month once I got my first real job post-college. I lived in a place where cost of living is low, so it was easy to afford. Not so much on the West Coast. I still find ways to get some treatments in, and my new budget focus is on including monthly pampering.

  •  Don't be afraid to follow your passions - so many times I have shied away from following a dream because I thought it was too unrealistic and would never come true. For me, it is writing. The fear of failure and ridicule keeps so many of us from living our best life possible and fulfilling our potential. I think it's time for me to embrace my artistic self instead of trying to be someone else. The world needs art and expression, after all.
So, just a few things I wish I had done sooner. Time for me to start doing them.

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